MOST® Re-certification and Update Workshop

This is an essential check for all applying the MOST® technique to ensure they are maintaining professional standards.

Productivity analysts, like all professional people, should ensure they maintain the highest professional standards and operate to appropriate levels of accuracy.

All those applying MOST® technique should be re-certified every four years with authentic certification from H B Maynard, now Accenture. We provide a one day brief refresher for experienced and regular MOST® users prior to the examination. Over two days we can deliver a more thorough refresher workshop which is more suited to those who haven’t been regularly and recently applying MOST®. In this workshop we can ensure your knowledge is accurate and up to date before you complete the examination. A pass mark of 85% is required for re-certification.

Only from Scott-Grant
Scott-Grant are authorised by H B Maynard (now Accenture) to deliver MOST® in the UK and Eire and covering most of Europe. We are authorised trainers, applicators and distributors of MOST® and Maynard software.

Scott-Grant’s MOST® training and MOST® re-certification are registered with H B Maynard (now Accenture) and certification and official analyst cards are also issued by them.

MOST® is a registered trademark of Accenture Global Services.

Maintain professional standards

Maintaining Professional Standards

Outstanding training provider, Scott-Grant

Techniques you’ll cover on this course

This is a refresher course, so you will already be familiar with the following techniques

Who would benefit from this course?

This course is only for those who are MOST® analysts registered with H B Maynard (now Accenture).

Equipment you’ll need on this course

You will need stationery including pens, pencils, a ruler, an eraser and a calculator.

What you’ll have on successfully completing this course

You will be re-registered with H B Maynard as a qualified MOST® analyst. For the next four years you can apply the MOST® technique to a qualified and authentic standard, knowing that you have corrected any adverse trends. You are certified to apply MOST® with consistency and accuracy for the period until your next re-certification in four years’ time.

What to do next

If you need to improve capacity or reduce costs, or you need accurate data to determine how best to cope with change, we can provide the right way forward – cost-effectively. Remember that improving productivity is about making the better use of all your resources and vitally, making much better use of the critical ones.

Whichever business sector you operate in, the chances are we’ve helped people to address their productivity issues and improve the way they operate.

Scott-Grant can really help you improve your productivity and become more streamlined.

for help and advice on selecting
the right course for you

