Performance Rating explained
Performance Rating is not a work measurement technique in its own right. Performance Rating enables us formally to measure, using Time Study and Rated Activity Sampling techniques, and establish the work content of a job, not simply the time taken to do it, which can vary from person to person.
This technique is fundamental when measuring work to produce data that businesses need for targets, to assess capacity, plan output, set budget costs, predict completion times, establish staffing levels and confidently compare performances of people doing similar and different tasks. All these activities help in the process of identifying, making, monitoring and maintaining improvements in productivity.
Performance Rating is a professional judgement and can therefore never be claimed to be exact or infallible. However, when applied properly by trained and regularly re-certified analysts, consistent results with the limits of accuracy within +/- 5% will be achieved.
The most essential aspect in the application of the technique is consistency: consistency in understanding the concept of standard by all Rating analysts in the same organisation – and consistency in time standards within the same organisation. Work content should not be based on inconsistent methods or untrained or inconsistent operators.
Click on the link to find out about other techniques such as Time Study, MTM, PADS, Rated Activity Sampling and the MOST® technique.

How to learn more about Performance Rating
Scott-Grant is widely acknowledged as “outstanding” in delivering training for people wanting to study Performance Rating
Training courses that cover Performance Rating
Here is a list of training courses where Performance Rating is included in the content.
What to do next
If you need to improve capacity or reduce costs, or you need accurate data to determine how best to cope with change, we can provide the right way forward – cost-effectively. Remember that improving productivity is about making the better use of all your resources and vitally, making much better use of the critical ones.
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