Effective performance explained
Effective performance involves much more than just the speed or indeed the effort which people are seen to be applying at a point in time.
Effective performance is the real productivity measure of a worker or group of workers. It is the work content set against the attendance time. This is a more accurate reflection of the ‘output’ measured against the cost of a shift or day or week, which could well include wasted, ineffective or lost time.

The three key factors that contribute to effective performance
The three key factors that contribute to effective performance are utilisation, effort and method. Speed is certainly important but is often affected by organisational issues. This restricts the ability always to work consistently and quickly.
Effective performance is a measure
Effective performance is a measure that relates directly to the true cost of people’s output. It might take 8 hours to produce 4 hours of work content – a 50% effective performance.
Being effective:
doing the right things
Being efficient:
doing things well
Being productive:
doing the right things well
– all the time
How to learn more about Effective Performance
Scott-Grant is widely acknowledged as “outstanding” in delivering training for people wanting to study Effective Performance
Training courses that cover Effective Performance
Here is a list of training courses where Effective Performance is included in the content.
What to do next
If you need to improve capacity or reduce costs, or you need accurate data to determine how best to cope with change, we can provide the right way forward – cost-effectively. Remember that improving productivity is about making the better use of all your resources and vitally, making much better use of the critical ones.
Whichever business sector you operate in, the chances are we’ve helped people to address their productivity issues and improve the way they operate.
Scott-Grant can really help you improve your productivity and become more streamlined.