What is Standard Performance?
Work content needs to be measured, as time, against a common, consistent standard – which is Standard Performance. Performance Rating is a levelling technique that enables us to adjust the formally observed time taken for a defined method or task to reflect the work content at Standard Performance. This is our consistent measure.
Standard Performance is:
“The rate of output that a qualified and motivated worker, conversant with the defined task, will be able to maintain under proper conditions, across the normal working day without undue fatigue, providing they take the appropriate amount of rest.” BS 32324
All human work can be Rated against the benchmark of Standard Performance. The most commonly used rating scale is the BS 0-100 scale, whereby Standard Performance is 100.
The trained observer’s Rating is used to convert the formally observed time taken by the operator to the time they would have taken if they had been achieving 100 performance.
A qualified Rating analyst will have been trained to assess performance against the concept of Standard. Their ability and skills have to be regularly (annually) checked to ensure accuracy.
The concept of Standard Performance carries across all business sectors – it’s universal in its application. Please note that MTM-based data is generally developed at a BS83.3 performance and should be converted if you are applying Standard Minute Values based on BS100 as Standard Performance. Click here for more information.

How to learn more about Standard Performance
Scott-Grant is widely acknowledged as “outstanding” in delivering training for people wanting to study Standard Performance
Training courses that cover Standard Performance
Here is a list of training courses where Standard Performance is included in the content.
What to do next
If you need to improve capacity or reduce costs, or you need accurate data to determine how best to cope with change, we can provide the right way forward – cost-effectively. Remember that improving productivity is about making the better use of all your resources and vitally, making much better use of the critical ones.
Whichever business sector you operate in, the chances are we’ve helped people to address their productivity issues and improve the way they operate.
Scott-Grant can really help you improve your productivity and become more streamlined.